Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Celebrity Boyfriend Corral

I think I need to take a break from blogging.
All I’ve been writing about is stuff that pisses me me off. I guess that’s because life in general pisses me off lately. So unless I’m going to make every blog entry about my mother, my so-called-life, or why I seem to be going slowly insane and does anyone know how to turn off these voices in my head??????

(deep breath) okay, I’m better now. Where was I?

Oh, yeah. I’m taking a break from blogging. Or maybe not.

At any rate, I’m not going to pressure myself to update every day. So today I’m going to pass along this website I found while googling Kitten and I stumbled across "Lois Lane's Imaginary Celebrity Boyfriend Corral.” She’s funny, insightful, and complimentary without gushing. It’s called Bad Tiki and it’s a very entertaining site!

I’m including her despite my policy of not referring to any website about celebrities because it’s my blog and I can bloody well do what I want!

And her blog is just as entertaining. This is about Constantine from American Idol....
Here’s a quick quiz to help you determine whether you, as a male, should be wearing eye-liner.

1. Are you currently in a production of A Clockwork Orange?
2. Are you Billy Joe of Green Day?
3. Are you Brandon Flowers of The Killers?

If you answered no to all of these questions, then find yourself some Noxema and wipe that crap off. Because it does not work for you.

So Abeja, if you are offended, I’m deeply apologize and please let me know.

Monday, May 30, 2005

Scriptus Eruptus

I guess the hardest thing about writing, this blog or anything else, is not knowing how your readers will react. I’ve been writing for years and never published anything. Not in hard copy, anyway. A few stories on the Internet, but does that really count? I’d never considered how scary it must be for a writer to put something out there and not get feedback. I bet Stephen King would be horrified if he published a book and didn’t get a single letter about it.

I originally set out to write this blog for someone in particular, but that sort of took a harsh turn right about the time I found out about Mitch Hedberg’s death. I realized then that life is too short to be taken for granted. I realized that we have to do what we want to do for ourselves before it’s too late. I wanted more than anything to see Mitch do his act the next time he came to the area. I can never do that now.

I also knew I was going to have fun with this. I mean, who cares if it’s crap, so is 95% of what is published on the Internet. I want to write about what I find interesting, funny, sad, bad, about life, the Internet, and the world around me. And if that’s entertaining to someone else, then wonderful! If it’s not, then oh well, I tried. That’s just too bad.

So while I was waiting for the muse to come up behind and slap me in the back of the head, I went blog surfing. It gets my mind off writing my own blog for a while and also gives me more confidence when I look at some of the really bad ones. Over all, here are some things observations I’ve made...

    A large percentage of people who write blogs can’t spell....(there is this wonderful book called a d-i-c-t-i-o-n-a-r-y). A few misspellings I can tolerant, but some of these people write like they barely got out of third grade. “Hey, I gonna get me one of those blog thingies! Then all my friends will know how ignorant I really am.” Okay, I’m sorry .... that’s just plain mean! But really, if you have Word on your computer, write your blog there and run a spell check in it. Copy and pasted it into the blog editor. Then every one will be happy. Your senior high school English teacher will be so proud of you!

    Half the people on Blogspot are from Singapore. Just an unbiased observation. No more, no less.

    Listening to an Avril Lavigne song three times is about all I can tolerate while reading a blog. Even if the blog is fascinating and entertaining. Please include a player on your blog for those of us who don’t share your taste in music so we can cut the bitch off! No, no, darling! I didn’t mean you, Avril, sweetheart.

    I need to learn Spanish. I feel like I’m missing something....

    A lot of people who have blogs like black backgrounds. I don’t.

    Oh, and please don’t insult my intelligence with one of those stupid pop-up scripts telling me I have to update my browser.

    There are way too many people putting up blogs just for the sake of putting up a blog, then they don’t have a damn thing to say.....whoa...I went too far on that one, didn’t I?
    No, see....I have a medical condition called scriptus eruptus complicated by ADHD and I can’t stop writing...I write about anything and everything and only a small percentage of it is worth reading.

Oh, man....I really need to get a job!!!!!!!

As a comedian, you have to start the show strong and you have to end the show strong. Those are the two key elements. You can't be like pancakes. You're all happy at first, but then by the end, you're sick of 'em. ~ Mitch Hedberg

The Sound of Crickets

Sunday, May 29, 2005
11:23 PM

Guess there won’t be a blog entry today. I can’t think of anything. All I can think about is what I should write about in my blog, should I IM him or not tomorrow, should watch a movie, should I, should I, should I.......
So is this what happens? As I get better, stronger, and chase all the demons out, I no longer have anything to write about? Damn, that didn’t take long! Surely, there must be something....

So I go next door and watch Ladder 49 up to the part where Linda says “So it’s about me and the kids again.” I get pissed off with her like I always do and turn it off. It’s not Linda’s fault, just a bad plot device. Then I walk into my room where I left my radio on and Audioslave is singing “Be Yourself is all that you can do....” At least it's not "Speed of Sound."

I was going to write about how Coldplay’s new song seems to be following me. Are they really playing it that much? Is anyone else hearing this song everywhere they go? Or is there some “secret message from the universe” in the lyrics that is meant only for me?

7:18 AM

I sit down at the computer. I stare at the screen. I hear crickets chirping. I’ve surfed the ‘Net and only come up with sarcastic references to the Federlines, Paris, Mary Kate, and Brad Pitt’s BO. No interesting websites. Nothing. Oh, but there was that one about the nude yoga. The reference to the “downward facing dog” had me in spasms of sobbing laughter. (If you’ve ever done yoga in a group setting, that’s all I need to say.) Since it’s a celebrity parody site, I will not reference it. Against my policy. I will only reference news, not gossip. But I will give you the blog url if you ask nicely.

I check the date. May 30. It’s been a long month and I still have one more day before I change my Keanu Reeves desktop calendar.

I light my candle. I summon the muses. Nothing. Oh, well. It is Memorial Day. Maybe the spirits are otherwise occupied at all those ceremonies. May as well go to Walmart. Maybe something will happen. It will be a few days before my next selection from Netflix arrives. At least I have something to look forward to.

Oh, I did have an interesting thing happen. They just opened a Save-a-lot in town and I went there for the first time. When I rounded the corner and walked into the frozen food section, I had such a feeling of deja vu....it was like I had stepped into the scene in Ladder 49 where Jack and Linda first met. Had no idea until that moment it was a Save-A-Lot where they filmed it!

Oh, well. Maybe I’ll think of something to write....

Dogs are forever in the push-up position. ~ Mitch Hedberg

Friday, May 27, 2005

Looking Through a Glass Onion

The concept of writing songs is, in theory of course, really very simple.
If you’re a musician, you’ve been in that zone, where you’re fooling around with some chords, then a melody on the piano, guitar, or whatever your medium may be and then suddenly lyrics form to fit the melody. Hmmmmm....you think. Where did that come from?

And if you’re already a famous songwriter like Phil Collins, you get to record the song, send it out over the universe via radio and television, and have millions of people hear it. Among those millions will be people with way too much time on their hands and nothing better to do than to pick apart song lyrics and try to analyze them. Such is the case with “In the Air Tonight,” which has been interpreted as a song about Phil seeing someone murdered and a song for his wife who left him.

And so was born Song Facts.
The title of the site maybe be a bit misleading...it is merely a collection of numerous contributions from people giving their interpretations of different songs...most based on opinion and rumour, some based on fact. But it is a huge collection and it is always best to use one’s judgement with these things.

No matter what the deep psychological meaning behind a song may be, most songs are written in the manner described earlier. An artist may set out to write a song about a certain subject, but most songwriting is accomplished this way and the true meaning is often buried deep within the subconscious mind of the artist.

The Beatles are legendary for their obscure Freudian-like lyrics. John Lennon took had fun with the obsession of picking apart lyrics for their hidden meanings in “I Am The Walrus.” The story goes that upon hearing that school children were analyzing Beatles lyrics, he said, “Let them try and work this one out!” John Lennon had a warped sense of humour, and told everyone what he thought in Glass Onion...

“Well here's another place you can be
Listen to me.
Fixing a hole in the ocean”

Check out this site. Bookmark it. It’ll keep you busy for days.

I would imagine if you could understand Morse Code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy. ~ Mitch Hedberg

I went to the park and saw this kid flying a kite. The kid was really excited. I don't know why, that's what they're supposed to do. Now if he had had a chair on the other end of that string, I would have been impressed. ~ Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Tastes Like Chicken?

Yesterday marked 30 days of abstinence from meat.
I’m beginning to feel like a new person. I’m calmer and able to handle stress better. And there are a few surprises, a few other changes in my body that I’m not really going to go into here. I’ve found a few message boards (my other obsession) to compare notes and get tips on what products to buy. However, I am fast becoming a “junkfood vegetarian,” since I was already crazy about meatfree products like potato chips and Payday candy bars. Maybe I should give up fried foods and sugar, too.

     I use to think eating fake meat like veggie burgers and shaped formed sausage links was being hypocritical. I mean, if you are going to be a vegetarian, why would you eat something that even “looked” like meat even though it is made with soy protein? Now they have “chicken” nuggets and fake riblets that look like those McRib fillers at McDonald’s. It’s like saying, I’m a vegetarian, but I want to look like I’m eating meat like everyone else. But after taking three semesters of biology, I get it. Your body can tell the difference between proteins, starches and fats. Protein is protein, whether it is animal or vegetable. So I guess there is validation in eating fake meat. Besides, Boca tomato and basil burgers don’t taste half bad.

     I guess I can use the word “vegetarian” in describing myself now. It feels like a good fit. I think we all need words to describe ourselves. Writer, actor, doctor, lawyer, student, animal activist . We need that niche, that category, even if it doesn’t encompass who we are, it tells the world “what” we are. It is so sad that we define ourselves by what we see in the mirror. The mirror doesn’t show what we are inside, only what we see.

Fettuccini Alfredo is macaroni and cheese for adults. ~ Mitch Hedberg

That would be cool if you could eat a good food with a bad food and the good food would cover for the bad food when it got to your stomach. Like you could eat a carrot with an onion ring and they would travel down to your stomach, then they would get there, and the carrot would say, "It's cool, he's with me." ~ Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Let It Bleed

What is up with the “vanilla rock” now? I started listening to “new” rock stations last year when I got tired of the hip-hop, teenybopper, trying-to-please-everybody-and-failing-miserably (at least where I’m concerned) format of the local stations and the “classic rock” stations playing Pink Floyd and Aerosmith songs every five minutes that I’ve heard at least 20,000 times. Yawn!

I discovered groups like Staind, Three Doors Down, Collective Soul, Audioslave, Puddle of Mudd, White Zombie, and a lot of others. Then something strange happened, which unfortunately happens with a lot of rock bands.
They started making money. Getting the big contracts. Three Doors Down was the first one out of the gate of obscurity with their “yellow ribbon” anthem of the Iraqi war “Here Without You.” They even had their image painted on a Nascar Race car. Don’t remember the driver, since I could give a rat’s ass about such things.

Then last night, I was listening to the station and heard a song and thought “oh, Three Doors Down have a new one.” Popped onto the station website and saw not Three Doors Down, but Staind? Huh? When did that happen? When did Staind start sounding like Three Doors Down?

So I speak to you in riddles because
My words get in my way. I smoke the
whole thing to my head and feel it
wash away 'cause I can't take anymore
of this, I want to come apart.
or dig myself a little hole inside
your precious heart ~ Epiphany

The beautifully painful lyrics of Epiphany reflect the agony of someone who is in a troubled relationship. That’s what was so great about Staind. The pain of life and love reflected in their lyrics.
In Right Here, it seems he’s either resolved these problems, or found a new girlfriend.

I've made a commitment
I'm willing to bleed for you
I needed fulfillment
I found what I need in you ~ Right Here

Maybe giving up drugs was the reason.

And it's been awhile
Since I can say that I wasn't addicted
And it's been awhile
Since I can say I love myself as well
And it's been awhile ~ It’s Been Awhile

Or maybe money is the answer to the equation.

I can understand groups like Stone Temple Pilots, Creed, and Guns & Roses whose members go on to join and create other “supergroups” like Velvet Revolver and Alterbridge, but it seems like it’s all turning into a soup of vanilla sounding rock. There are no unique rock groups out there. They are all imitators. Do I have to wait another ten years for this generation of musicians to come up with something different?

What do I know about music? I'm an average consumer who knows what I like and what I’m willing to spend my money on. And I’m not going to spend my money on a CD to get one good song that I can hear on the radio everyday for a year. That’s why downloading MP3s is so popular because why buy a CD for $13.99 for just one song when the rest of the CD is crap.

There are few perfect albums in music history. Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. Metallica’s Black Album. AC/DC’s Back in Black. And the odds are, none of these groups will produce one.

As one of my favorite songwriters once wrote: “It’s only rock n’ roll, but I like it.” But I wonder, are any of these guys willing to “stick my pen in my heart” and “spill it all over the stage”? Metaphorically speaking of course.

A lot of bands have intense names, like "Rigor Mortis" or "Mortuary". We weren't that intense, we called ourselves "Injured". Later on we changed it to "Acapella" when we were walking out of the pawn shop. ~ Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Real Men of Genius

If you listen to the radio a bit and they advertise Bud Light, you've probably heard these commercials. Maybe you're like me...a huge fan. If not, you will definitely recognize some of these denizens of leisure. Like Mr. Way Too Much Cologne Wearer, Mr. Really Really Really Bad Dancer, or Mr. Company Computer Guy.

I turn up the radio and tell everybody to shut up when I hear the beginning...."Bud Light presents"....along with the opening music. I was totally delighted when I discovered budlight.whipnet.com which has all the Bud Light commercials in MP3s. (Be patient...it doesn't always load the first time and it takes a few minutes, especially if you have dial-up.)

Some of my favorites include...

Mr. Giant Taco Salad Inventor - "A culinary creation that baffles the mind...a 1200 calorie salad."

Mr. Overzealous Foul-Ball Catcher - "you go after that ball like a blood-thirsty wolverine. 'You're a feisty rodent!'"

Mr. Fancy Coffee Shop Coffee Pourer - "Why is it called a latte? Maybe because it costs a latte and it takes a latte time to make."

Mr. Over The Top Carb Counter - "From breakfast through dinner, you tirelessly record every precious carb hoping it will add up to your target number...zero."

Mr. All You Can Eat Buffet Inventor - "...if there's gravy...then everything's going to be okay!"

Mr. Restroom Toilet Paper Refiller - "somewhere there's a guy with his pants around his ankles doing the bunny hop..."

Mr. Male Furcoat Wearer - "Nothing says 'I could give a rat's rearend' like a man in a floor-length chinchilla."

And my all time favorite, Mr. Furniture Assembly Manual Writer - "Thanks to you, people everywhere can purchase furniture, open a box and go completely insane."(Anyone who has ever put together this "easy-to-assemble" furniture will really appreciate that last one.)

The narrator of these very entertaining radio spots is Pete Stacker, who delivers his lines with the right amount of sarcasm and wit.There is a little info on the site about the background singer who may sound familiar. He was a member of a group call "Survivor." You may remember a song they did... "Eye of the Tiger." I think it was a theme song from a movie back in the 80's starring Sylvester Stallone, but I could be wrong.

Any way, go to this site if you have computer space left download into and an afternoon to kill. And have a good laugh!

I went to a restaurant, and I saw a guy wearing a leather jacket, eating a hamburger, drinking a glass of milk. I said, "Dude, you are a cow. The metamorphosis is complete. Don't fall asleep or I will tip you over!" ~ Mitch Hedberg

Monday, May 23, 2005

And now for something completely different....

I'm going to be away from my computer for a few days and wanted to leave something for my readers and accidental tourists! Anything!

Alas, my muse seems to have abandoned me (thanks a lot, muse) and I'm left surfing the blogs for something to inspire me.

What I found was a blog called Waiter Rant written by a waiter (duh!) of an unknown bistro in NYC. This guy is good. And since I work in retail, I can relate.

(In honor of Mitch Hedberg, who passed away of heart failure March 30, I will include a quote at the end of each post. If anyone can think of a good reason I should not do this...speak now or forever hold your peace.)

You know when you go into a restaurant, and it gets busy and they start a waiting list, and they start calling out names, like "DuFranes, party of two." They say it again, "DuFranes, party of two." But then if no one answers, they'll just go to the next name, "Bush, party of three." Yeah, but what happened to the DuFranes? No one seems to care. Who can eat at a time like this? People are missing! And they're hungry! That's a double whammy! "Bush, search party of three!" You can eat once you find the DuFranes!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Reasons I became a vegetarian....

I’ve been seeing this commercial on TV for what product, I don’t remember. But there’s this guys eating a huge burger...it’s not just bigger than his head, it’s bigger than his butt! They say the burger is at Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub. I thought it was a joke.

It’s not. This burger weighs 15-lbs, and can feed a family of ten. Although how a family of ten can eat a single burger on a bun is beyond me. The burger made it into snopes.com the urban legend site. This is not only disgusting it is irresponsible.

I see people in the grocery store buying so much food, especially meat...and it has come to the point that it makes me sick. The portions they serve in restaurants are gargantuan, and yet, they keep making the meals larger and larger. With obesity being the number one health problem in country, no one is trying very hard to change things. We are driving up gas prices and using our resources to produce more and more food that people in this country don’t need.

It has never ceased to amaze me how much people in this country take food for granted. I read once about a defector from Russia who wept the first time he went into an American grocery store. The sight of so much food was too much for him to take. Our generation and our parents generation have never had to stand in line for hours for bread or toilet paper.

Most of the main reasons I quit eating meat can be explained in this cool flash animation called The Meatrix. I have also added some links to the sidebar. I say, if you can't stop eating meat for whatever reason, at least consider eating free range meat and quit supporting factory farms. They are ruining the environment, not to mention risking the future health of the world with all the hormones and antibiotics they are using.

Watch the moo-vie. Then you decide.

What is the Meatrix? Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Down the Rabbit Hole

Posted by Hello

effect on water crystal while playing "Imagine" by John Lennon

This blogging business is harder than I thought. Oh, I don’t think it’s hard to throw out random thoughts, or record my day, but that’s not what I wanted for my blog. I wanted it to be special. Different.

When I first started this blog, I listed all the reasons for its existence. (See Ms. Brightside.) One of the things I wanted to do is communicate with certain people out there who probably know who they are and I wouldn’t be able to mention anyway without causing a disturbance in the force. Then something happened and now I’m feeling like Neo in The Matrix. I’ve definitely met The Architect.

The “something” that happened is not easily defined. You see, I’m a member of Netflix (a great online DVD rental company, check it out) and I was slated to get Mitch Hedberg’s DVD next. But after talking to a friend of mine about certain occurrences in my life that have caused it to take a harsh right turn, I rented “What the Bleep Do We Know?” I’m not going to turn this into a movie review...I have a separate blog for that...but I have to say if I had known that J. Z. Knight was involved with the movie, I wouldn’t have watched it. She’s been channeling a 35,000 warrior named Ramtha since the 70’s, so it’s easy to understand why I would have misgivings about the validity of the theories in this movie. Aside from the obvious problems with the movie, i.e. bad analogies, junk science, etc. it helped me understand some of the experiences I’ve had recently.

I’m still sorting a lot of these things out. Let’s just say right now I feel like I took the blue pill.

I had a stick of Carefree gum, but it didn't work. I felt pretty good while I was blowing that bubble, but as soon as the gum lost its flavor, I was back to pondering my mortality. ~ Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, May 19, 2005

I'm Gonna Miss You, Mitch

Mitch Hedberg Posted by Hello

Lately, a lot of mornings I wake up and I can smell cinnamon. Then I want cinnamon rolls. But there are no cinnamon rolls in the house. I asked a coworker if she had ever done this. She looked at me strangely and laughed. “No,” she said. “You are in your own reality on that one.”

Then I discovered that Mitch Hedberg had died. Oddly enough I discovered this while surfing blogs,and came across Margaret Cho’s blog which had a touching tribute to him. At first I thought she was kidding.

He was one of my favorite comedians. He had a joke style that had been compared with Stephen Wright, but his delivery was more like one of the old “beat” poets from the 50’s on pot. He often wore shades on stage with his slightly long hair down in his face. He reminded me of Kurt Cobain with a bizarre sense of humor.

I somehow missed the announcement of his death, but many times I have thought of him, especially when I would say to someone, “don’t even act like you didn’t ...” He died of a heart attack in New Jersey back on March 30. Then I started smelling cinnamon. Maybe Mitch was trying to contact me from the spirit world.
He had so many good routines and a unique way of looking at the world around him. Instead of the “thinking man’s comedian,” you might say he was the “existentialist’s comedian.” Here are examples of his unique vision.

I like cinnamon rolls, but I don't always have time to make a pan. That's why I wish they would sell cinnamon roll incense. After all I'd rather light a stick and have my roommate wake up with false hopes.

One time a guy handed me a picture of himself and he said. "Here's a picture of me when I was younger." Every picture of you is when you were younger. "Here's a picture of me when I'm older." How'd you pull that off? Let me see that camera.

I like cottage cheese. That's why I want to try other dwelling cheeses, too. How about studio apartment cheese? Tent cheese? Mobile home cheese? Do not eat mobile home cheese in a tornado.

I had a velco wallet in a casino. That sound annoyed the hell out of me. Whenever I lost money, and I opened the wallet, it was like the sound of my addiction.

Mr. Pibb is a poor imitation of Dr. Pepper. Dude didn't even get his degree.

I brought a donut and the guy gave me a receipt for the donut. I don't need a receipt for the donut, I give you the money, you give me the donut, end of transaction. We do not need to bring ink and paper into this. I can not imagine the scenerio where I would have to prove that I bought a donut. Some skeptical friend:"Don't even act like I didn't get that donut. I got the documentation right here."

I’m going to miss you, Mitch.

Monday, May 16, 2005


Who you are may be an albatross to you, but know this...you can’t run away from you. Those that did have died trying. You can’t be anyone but who you are. This may be painful to accept but then the truth always is.

And you are different. Your life is unique. Your experience is unique. You never had to live through what anyone else did. You are a survivor.

I wonder what you're doing
imagine where you are
there's oceans in between us
but that's not very far

Everyone is changing
there's no one left that's real
so make up your own ending
and let me know just how you feel

"Blurry" by Puddle of Mud

Saturday, May 14, 2005


When I woke up this morning, “Powder” was on. That’s just the movie I needed to see. A young man who is different that grows up in a small community of backwards-thinking small-minded people. They don’t understand him and as human nature dictates, they fear and hate him. Boys his age would tease and torment him to make themselves feel normal. He is able to “see inside people” and is a total empath. At one point, he allows a hunter to know what the deer he just shot feels as it is dying. A scene I’m sure PETA applauded and the NRA scorned.
At one point Lindsey, the only person in the movie who is not afraid of him and is curious about his differences, asks him what he sees when he looks at people.

“....how beautiful they really are. And that there's no need to hide, or lie. And then its possible to talk to someone without any lies. With no sarcasms, no deceptions, no exaggerations, or any of the other things people use to confuse the truth.”

We all have the same abilities that Powder had to some degree. We just need to see past the fear and embrace the connection we all have with the universe.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Love and Hugs

** Posted by Hello

Lots of love and support to Joaquin Phoenix, who has been seen out of rehab, finally! Congratulations, Joaquin for making the decision to go sober! Here’s wishing you the best of luck. At least you know you have the love and support of your fans to encourage you. Hang in there, Joaq!

Spend all your time waiting for that second chance
For a break that would make it okay
Theres always some reason
To feel not good enough
And its hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
oh beautiful release
Memories seep from my veins
Let me be empty
oh and weight-less and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight
In the arms of an angel

from "Angel"
~Sarah McLachlan~

Thursday, May 12, 2005

altered cup and eggs Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Fun, Fun, Fun

My empty inbox vexes me.

I am struggling with unscheduled bout of mind-crippling depression and ADD so I have nothing worthy of writing. So, enjoy the other blogs I have mentioned and hopefully in the next couple of days I will have figured out how to whip this blog into submission and make it behave like I want it to.

So far it's not working. But I did have this to add...

Some people might get the wrong idea about the title of this blog…the first time I heard this word was from a guy I was breaking up with. I was trying to explain my reasons for the breakup and he said, “maybe I’m looking at this from an obtuse angle.” I had never taken geometry, so I assume he meant from a odd angle, off-center. But he used the term wrong…or maybe he didn’t. It is a nice play on words. Maybe he wasn’t such an idiot after all. Anyway, this is the definition I was thinking about and the one he was thinking about…
“difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression”.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

It’s All About Me.....

Well, isn’t it? Isn’t that the main reason people start blogs to begin with because they have something to say? And as Megatron described Jay in “Dogma”....“The other one speaks....and he will, to great lengths....” Bloggers write...and write...and write....mostly about “myself and what I did today.” I’m saying this to all my friends....if I ever begin to write a blog like that? Please come by my house, and if you see me out in the yard.....
Because if that’s all I can find to write about, then it means my last creative brain cell is dead and there is nothing left to live for. With that said, here is my offering for today. This may become a separate blog, depending on how it goes.
When I first set up my blogger, I notice at the top of the page is a “next blog” link. I started clicking and checking out some of the other blogs on the server. There are some pretty good ones out there, so I thought I would mention some of them. It will save you time if clicking on random links is not your cup of tea. But if you are ever really, really, bored and find yourself on the computer, you should really try it. Clickity, clickity, click!

This guy liked the Village, so he can’t be all bad. It’s a political/movie/music review kind of site.
The Crusty Curmudgeon

Baby Blogs

This one's cute! Obviously a grandmother.
Do You Know Sixty?
Another this-is-my-life-this-is-that-I-did-today blog, but with cute pics of her baby.
Pocket Lint Baby Blog

This is a site about a kid with cleft lip.
Rachel's Journey

And I thought the "mullet" was dead. But then I didn't go to the recent Motley Crue concert.

I can see right now I'm going to have fun with this. When I saw that kids hair, my first reaction was (after "what the f**k?") is that picture real?Then I remember all the kids I saw with mullets in the late 80's and my momma's reaction the first time she saw one. You'd think they'd dressed the kid in leather and chain mail or something.

The name of this one fits very well......
Ho Hum What?

I love the foreign blogs.
But they don't translate very well. See, the problem with web browser translators is they just translate the words, not the meaning of the sentences, slang or profanity. Internet Explorer will translate the page if you right-click and then select "translate into English" on the dropdown menu.

Political blogs

Steve Audio
Scrutiny Hooligans
The Luce Cannon

Some kid in Singapore practicing his English......
My Screw Is Loose
Doesn't he look cute in his ittle Spidey suit?

Some people do blogs because they think they're cool and their friends all have them. Not because they have anything to say. Young lady, if your friend jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?
Good Stuff

At least this one is interesting with nice pictures......
A Picture of Me

Here's one I need to send to my British Lit teacher.....
English 241 Human Issues in Literature Characters
She loves to give extra credit for stuff like this!

This one is interesting, especially the one about Cats toward the bottom....
I like the name.
Likeness by Rebelcupid

This is a cute site about cats....
Jeroen Kessels
It's not a blog, but I found it on the other site and thought it was neat.

I just kinda like this guy....
My Life Here
"Love can make snores sound sublime."

Some people put up a blog and then never do anything else with it....
Let's hope I don't turn out to be one of those.

My Blog
I'm not sure what this person was doing...it looks like some sort of pay by hit search engine about ceramic floors. It updates itself every 30 minutes.

And now for the lunatic fringe.....(I know you're out there.)
Funny Love
Okay, this is disturbing. (Viewer discretion advised.) She/he mentions Murderdolls, which is a goth band. Pretty scary. No, not the band...the music and the anime! Creative, though. Although I don't fancy any context that keeps referring to the word "murder" as casually as say, "Oh, can you come to dinner on Thursday?"
And there's this line.... Hmmm, lets all get naked and have a massive blood orgie with decaying corpses." Pretty scary stuff. And I was once an Alice Cooper fan...

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Typical day in the neighborhood. Posted by Hello

Friday, May 06, 2005


In order to change your life, you have to amend the wrongs you have done to yourself first. I’ve thought about it, and I realize what I see as mistakes in my life are just trips down the wrong path. Some things can be changed, some have been changed, and others can not.
It’s like the serenity prayer. “Grant me to change the things I can, accept the things I can’t and the wisdom to know the difference.” We all have things that have happened to us that we deal with every day, things that we regret. Things that we would change if we could. Just thinking about the things we would change if we could sometimes helps. It puts things into perspective and helps define the person we would like to be. Sometimes we realize we can still be the person we started out to be. We only need to recognize and deal with the things we can change.

    Things I would change about my life
  • I wouldn’t have married my ex-husband.
  • I would sing more, paint and draw more.
  • I would play my guitar regardless if there was anyone there to listen.
  • I would not have settled for any man than would treat me less than I truly deserve.
  • I would have thought of myself first when it came to relationships and not thought of it as being selfish, but being fair to myself.

What would you change about your life?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Ms. Brightside

God, this is scary!

I've thought long and hard about publishing on the web.
Here are some of the reasons I have decided to publish a blog....

1)There are opinions I have that others may share (or not) and I would like to put where the public may view them.

2)I sit around writing my computer journal and thinking I could just as easily put it on the web and everyone could read it.

3)I thought it would be easy for all my friends to read what I have to say than be bothered with all the actual boring details. That way they can pick through the interesting bits and my feelings wouldn't be hurt if they ignored something I said or laughed out loud at me.

4)Plus, there are certain individuals that I might communicate with more efficiently with if I don't have to clog up their inbox with rantings. (You know who you are!)

5) It's good therapy. And it's cheap too!

6) My cats are so cute and I just want to share their antics with the world.

7) My mother gets on my nerves and I thought there might be someone out there with some answers for what to do when this happens.

8) I am strong, I am invincible....well, you get the idea. I just need to remind myself once in a while.

9) Some of my journal entries are pretty entertaining, and I'd like to entertain other people.

10) Top Ten Lists are so lame. No way is this turning into one.

11) I've got a lot of material and this is way easier to keep up with it.

12) I love to read my own writing, so I'm hoping others will feel the same way.

13) And finally.... sometimes I feel like stirring it up...and showing people another way of looking at things, hence the title.