It’s All About Me.....
Well, isn’t it? Isn’t that the main reason people start blogs to begin with because they have something to say? And as Megatron described Jay in “Dogma”....“The other one speaks....and he will, to great lengths....” Bloggers write...and write...and write....mostly about “myself and what I did today.” I’m saying this to all my friends....if I ever begin to write a blog like that? Please come by my house, and if you see me out in the yard.....
Because if that’s all I can find to write about, then it means my last creative brain cell is dead and there is nothing left to live for. With that said, here is my offering for today. This may become a separate blog, depending on how it goes.
When I first set up my blogger, I notice at the top of the page is a “next blog” link. I started clicking and checking out some of the other blogs on the server. There are some pretty good ones out there, so I thought I would mention some of them. It will save you time if clicking on random links is not your cup of tea. But if you are ever really, really, bored and find yourself on the computer, you should really try it. Clickity, clickity, click!
This guy liked the Village, so he can’t be all bad. It’s a political/movie/music review kind of site.
The Crusty Curmudgeon
Baby Blogs
This one's cute! Obviously a grandmother.
Do You Know Sixty?
Another this-is-my-life-this-is-that-I-did-today blog, but with cute pics of her baby.
Pocket Lint Baby Blog
This is a site about a kid with cleft lip.
Rachel's Journey
And I thought the "mullet" was dead. But then I didn't go to the recent Motley Crue concert.
I can see right now I'm going to have fun with this. When I saw that kids hair, my first reaction was (after "what the f**k?") is that picture real?Then I remember all the kids I saw with mullets in the late 80's and my momma's reaction the first time she saw one. You'd think they'd dressed the kid in leather and chain mail or something.
The name of this one fits very well......
Ho Hum What?
I love the foreign blogs.
But they don't translate very well. See, the problem with web browser translators is they just translate the words, not the meaning of the sentences, slang or profanity. Internet Explorer will translate the page if you right-click and then select "translate into English" on the dropdown menu.
Political blogs
Steve Audio
Scrutiny Hooligans
The Luce Cannon
Some kid in Singapore practicing his English......
My Screw Is Loose
Doesn't he look cute in his ittle Spidey suit?
Some people do blogs because they think they're cool and their friends all have them. Not because they have anything to say. Young lady, if your friend jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?
Good Stuff
At least this one is interesting with nice pictures......
A Picture of Me
Here's one I need to send to my British Lit teacher.....
English 241 Human Issues in Literature Characters
She loves to give extra credit for stuff like this!
This one is interesting, especially the one about Cats toward the bottom....
I like the name.
Likeness by Rebelcupid
This is a cute site about cats....
Jeroen Kessels
It's not a blog, but I found it on the other site and thought it was neat.
I just kinda like this guy....
My Life Here
"Love can make snores sound sublime."
Some people put up a blog and then never do anything else with it....
Let's hope I don't turn out to be one of those.
My Blog
I'm not sure what this person was looks like some sort of pay by hit search engine about ceramic floors. It updates itself every 30 minutes.
And now for the lunatic fringe.....(I know you're out there.)
Funny Love
Okay, this is disturbing. (Viewer discretion advised.) She/he mentions Murderdolls, which is a goth band. Pretty scary. No, not the band...the music and the anime! Creative, though. Although I don't fancy any context that keeps referring to the word "murder" as casually as say, "Oh, can you come to dinner on Thursday?"
And there's this line.... Hmmm, lets all get naked and have a massive blood orgie with decaying corpses." Pretty scary stuff. And I was once an Alice Cooper fan...
Because if that’s all I can find to write about, then it means my last creative brain cell is dead and there is nothing left to live for. With that said, here is my offering for today. This may become a separate blog, depending on how it goes.
When I first set up my blogger, I notice at the top of the page is a “next blog” link. I started clicking and checking out some of the other blogs on the server. There are some pretty good ones out there, so I thought I would mention some of them. It will save you time if clicking on random links is not your cup of tea. But if you are ever really, really, bored and find yourself on the computer, you should really try it. Clickity, clickity, click!
This guy liked the Village, so he can’t be all bad. It’s a political/movie/music review kind of site.
The Crusty Curmudgeon
Baby Blogs
This one's cute! Obviously a grandmother.
Do You Know Sixty?
Another this-is-my-life-this-is-that-I-did-today blog, but with cute pics of her baby.
Pocket Lint Baby Blog
This is a site about a kid with cleft lip.
Rachel's Journey
And I thought the "mullet" was dead. But then I didn't go to the recent Motley Crue concert.
I can see right now I'm going to have fun with this. When I saw that kids hair, my first reaction was (after "what the f**k?") is that picture real?Then I remember all the kids I saw with mullets in the late 80's and my momma's reaction the first time she saw one. You'd think they'd dressed the kid in leather and chain mail or something.
The name of this one fits very well......
Ho Hum What?
I love the foreign blogs.
But they don't translate very well. See, the problem with web browser translators is they just translate the words, not the meaning of the sentences, slang or profanity. Internet Explorer will translate the page if you right-click and then select "translate into English" on the dropdown menu.
Political blogs
Steve Audio
Scrutiny Hooligans
The Luce Cannon
Some kid in Singapore practicing his English......
My Screw Is Loose
Doesn't he look cute in his ittle Spidey suit?
Some people do blogs because they think they're cool and their friends all have them. Not because they have anything to say. Young lady, if your friend jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?
Good Stuff
At least this one is interesting with nice pictures......
A Picture of Me
Here's one I need to send to my British Lit teacher.....
English 241 Human Issues in Literature Characters
She loves to give extra credit for stuff like this!
This one is interesting, especially the one about Cats toward the bottom....
I like the name.
Likeness by Rebelcupid
This is a cute site about cats....
Jeroen Kessels
It's not a blog, but I found it on the other site and thought it was neat.
I just kinda like this guy....
My Life Here
"Love can make snores sound sublime."
Some people put up a blog and then never do anything else with it....
Let's hope I don't turn out to be one of those.
My Blog
I'm not sure what this person was looks like some sort of pay by hit search engine about ceramic floors. It updates itself every 30 minutes.
And now for the lunatic fringe.....(I know you're out there.)
Funny Love
Okay, this is disturbing. (Viewer discretion advised.) She/he mentions Murderdolls, which is a goth band. Pretty scary. No, not the band...the music and the anime! Creative, though. Although I don't fancy any context that keeps referring to the word "murder" as casually as say, "Oh, can you come to dinner on Thursday?"
And there's this line.... Hmmm, lets all get naked and have a massive blood orgie with decaying corpses." Pretty scary stuff. And I was once an Alice Cooper fan...
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