Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Ms. Brightside

God, this is scary!

I've thought long and hard about publishing on the web.
Here are some of the reasons I have decided to publish a blog....

1)There are opinions I have that others may share (or not) and I would like to put where the public may view them.

2)I sit around writing my computer journal and thinking I could just as easily put it on the web and everyone could read it.

3)I thought it would be easy for all my friends to read what I have to say than be bothered with all the actual boring details. That way they can pick through the interesting bits and my feelings wouldn't be hurt if they ignored something I said or laughed out loud at me.

4)Plus, there are certain individuals that I might communicate with more efficiently with if I don't have to clog up their inbox with rantings. (You know who you are!)

5) It's good therapy. And it's cheap too!

6) My cats are so cute and I just want to share their antics with the world.

7) My mother gets on my nerves and I thought there might be someone out there with some answers for what to do when this happens.

8) I am strong, I am invincible....well, you get the idea. I just need to remind myself once in a while.

9) Some of my journal entries are pretty entertaining, and I'd like to entertain other people.

10) Top Ten Lists are so lame. No way is this turning into one.

11) I've got a lot of material and this is way easier to keep up with it.

12) I love to read my own writing, so I'm hoping others will feel the same way.

13) And finally.... sometimes I feel like stirring it up...and showing people another way of looking at things, hence the title.


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